Angling guide and casting instructor Eamonn Conway reports that the River Fane has risen in the last week with the recent rain. It has brought it up to a nice level for trout fishing, unfortunately not enough for salmon to start running. The water clarity is a bit misty due to the water coming from Lough Ross, the trout fishing is not affected at all. The fishing is quite good since the bit of fresh water arrived. I have been getting high volumes of trout in the current conditions. Trout are falling to drys and nymphs, hopefully more rain will come and the salmon will start run soon.

Tight lines Eamonn c

Eamonn Conway is one of the country’s top angling guides and a qualified APGAI Ireland Fly Casting Instructor. If you fancy a days guided fishing with Eamonn why not drop him an email at [email protected] or give him a call at 086 1242966.

Additional information can be found on Eamonns’ website at

The Fane Has Excellent Fly Fishing for Wild Brown Trout
The River Fane Has Excellent Fly Fishing for Wild Brown Trout
A Plump Wild Brownie Caught by Eamonn Conway on a Recent Outing
A Plump Wild Brownie Caught by Eamonn Conway on a Recent Outing