Ned Maher of Ardaire Springs Angling Centre in Mooncoin thanks all who attended the Johnny Scott memorial competition on Sunday and wishes congratulations to the prize winners

1st Andy Coughlan with 5lb 7 oz

2nd Shane Walsh 5lb 6oz

3rd Alan o neill 4lb 11 oz

Prizes were sponsored by Alan Carroll of Custom Embroidery and the cup was sponsored by English Jim and Ardaire Springs Angling Centre


Ned tell us that there are some super rainbows being landed throughout the week with these 2 pictured took on a black minke fished on a midge tip line.

A super rainbow..
A super rainbow..
Away you go...
Away you go…

Visit Ardaire Springs Angling Centre…

Phone Ned Maher: (0) 86 812 8937

Ardaire Springs Angling Centre