A window of opportunity over the weekend provided a couple of bass sessions in the Wexford area with well known bass angler Jim Hendrick. This time of year can provide the chance to contact a big fish (what we were hoping for) but when lure fishing for bass any fish will do. The really big ones are a bonus. The north easterly wind was the only concern but even on the evening session on Friday, the easterly wind was a toothless wonder, no bite to it at all and even feeling warm on occasions. However, it still did enough to discourage the fish and despite the eager casting of lures into the blackness of an October sky at a number of locations, no fish were taken.
The Saturday morning session was pleasant with winds remaining the same in strength and direction and expectation was for a tough session. There was a mix of cloud and sun and water was clear. Luckily, we managed a couple of fish on this session with the fish fighting very hard. After a quick photo, the fish were released back carefully to the water to fight another day.

A Wexford Bass Being  Released on Saturday
A Wexford Bass Being Released on Saturday

A Well Condition Bass "Off the Surface" in October.
A Plump Well Condition Bass “Off the Surface” is our ‘Catch of the Week’ winner

A Nice Wexford Bass Pictured Prior to Release
A Nice Wexford Bass Pictured Prior to Release