Following the floods reported in the latest Delphi fishing report I had the opportunity to fish with David McEvoy on Doo Lough. Water levels had dropped back well and we were trying for a sea trout or two with floating line with intermediate poly leader. Unfortunately the sea trout did no oblige during the session but one surprising guest did appear to the boat. A first for me and a huge surprise for everyone in the boat! According to David this was the first in about 25 years!!

David Byrne wins ‘Catch of the Week’ for this char from Doo Lough, the first for a number of years we have reported on

Go fishing…

At Delphi Lodge, with many years of experience with the timing of the best runs of fish, we have in place a price system that offers both great value fishing and lets our anglers know when they have the best chance to catch a fresh run spring salmon or a summer grilse or Delphi sea trout.

Delphi Fishery
Delphi Lodge, Leenane, Co. Galway.
Tel: +353 (0)95-42222 Fax +353-95-42296