Brian McCall reports from Irish Kayak Angling…
Irish Kayak Angling held its final leg of the IKAC competition on Lough Muckno at the end of October. Muckno being a renowned coarse venue offered a great opportunity for the normally salt water anglers to catch a few new species. Scheduled for an 11am launch from Muckno adventure centre we had 30 anglers on the water. This is our largest turnout to date and it was a welcome sight. The focus of our meets is to guide new kayak anglers towards the best options for them and also emphasize basic safety requirements whilst also fishing in company for safe measure.

The challenge for the day was to catch, photo and release 2 pike, 1 perch and a roach with a Bream classed as the joker species for this meet. ( The Joker species doubles points if caught after completing the first part of the challenge). Fishing on the day went very well for some and not so well for others. Anglers who caught, caught plenty.
The challenge was completed by Ian Burton. In total there was 28 pike caught, and more perch and roach. Winner for mist pike went to Aivaras with five.
If anyone is interested in taking part you are more than welcome to join the forum and read through our advice or attend a meet and get first hand ideas of what its all about…
Find out more about Kayak angling…
For anyone interested in the Irish kayak angling championship in Donegal or kayak angling in general, can visit the forumwww.irishkayakangling.comand they will answer any question you have.
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