Angling on Carrowmore Lake and the Owenmore River picked up considerably during the week. Anglers on the lake enjoyed good sport for sea trout and grilse alike, while the first good flood of the season produced several nice fish on the river.

Regular visitors to Bangor Erris Danny Verbessem and Paul De Neef from Belgium did particularly well catching several fine salmon up to approx. 12 lbs. on the Owenmore River. All fish were caught on single barbless hooks and carefully released to the water. The two Belgian anglers also scored on Carrowmore where they had a number of fine sea trout together with a grilse.

Paul de Neef, Belgium, with a fine Owemore salmon
Paul de Neef, Belgium, with a fine Owenmore salmon ready for release

Please note that Carrowmore Lake is a Brown Tag Fishery and the Owenmore River is strictly Catch & Release this year! For fishing on Carrowmore Lake & the Owenmore River contact Seamus Henry on +353 (0)97 83487 or visit