Paul Whelan from Fortwilliam Fishery and Connie Corcoran from Ballyduff Bridge have a few reports of salmon caught and moving on the Munster Blackwater…
20 May: Nick Roe from Carlow landed a nice fish of 8lbs off the Bishops beat on Fortwilliam Fishery. The salmon was landed in the Beech tree run. Another fish was reported in off the Glenmore beat of 8lbs to Mossy Brown.
Conditions are in cracking order with fish seen daily now but there are certainly running hard through the beats.
Gauge .25m (ideal) – Fortwilliam Fishery

21 May: Cian Derbyshire entered and won the Ballyduff Bridge competition on their Facebook page. His prize of a day’s fishing was better a few cast. He finished up with a beauty of 13lbs. – Ballyduff Bridge
Eamonn Power had a cracking fish of 14lbs landed and released safely off the Glenmore beat on fly this morning. – Fortwilliam Fishery

22 May: Unlucky to our guests today Alan Watkinson and friends who just had one of those days, losing 3 double figure fish, one on the fly and two on the spinner all great quality fish. – Ballyduff Bridge
23 May: Report in late yesterday evening of a 12lb fish landed on Glenmore to our Guide Brian Hennessey. Well done Brian!
Conditions are in cracking order. – Fortwilliam Fishery

Glenda Powell of Blackwater Salmon Fishery reports;

Salmon are now running in greater numbers and we are catching – and losing fish almost every day. This is a picture of David Shiels from Cavan releasing his second fish of the day which was caught on fly in bright sunshine. The water temperature has warmed up, and we are now using floating lines with short intermediate tips and size 10-12 flies or little tubes. Black spinners with copper blades seem to be the favourite at the minute, although red has caught quite a few fish too over the last week. Young Tadhg Collins lost a big fish in the morning of the 14th May and then went on to land a well-deserved grilse. This was our first grilse for the 2016 season. The water level and clarity is perfect for all methods. I will be in Amsterdam demonstrating at the Dutch Fly Fair this week. We still have some availability left for this weekend and if you would like to go fishing then you can either contact me Glenda on 087 2351260 or if you can’t get me then please call Noel on 085 7220923. Just a note to say that we are fully booked for the June bank holiday weekend on Friday 3rd, Saturday 4th and Sunday 4th June. We still have 5 rods left for the Monday 6th. Best wishes and have a great weekend wherever you are fishing
It is great to see more women taking up Salmon Fishing.
It has been a busy May and I have to say that I am so pleased to see more and more women on the banks of the river this month. It is such a wonderful sport that I find it hard to believe that there are not more women fishing. Women are an inspiration to all of us, with their patience, sense of wonderment at the ‘little things’ like the flowers and the tree blossoms. When a woman goes fishing I believe that she sees the whole picture, it is not just about catching the fish. It is much more to do with the peaceful surroundings, running water and being immersed in nature that keeps her going back.
Go Fishing…
Blackwater Salmon Fishery
Blackwater Salmon Fishery has 3 beats downstream of the weir and 2 upstream of the weir. Blackwater Salmon Fishery offers fishing on approximately 5 miles of the river Blackwater. The fishing is spread throughout the middle section of the river to offer good sport throughout the fishing season. Due to the location of the beats, fishing can still usually be offered in low or high water.
Contact Glenda Powell: Lismore, Co Waterford,
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: +353 (0) 872351260 Telephone: +353 (0) 5853929
Ballyduff Bridge Salmon Fishery
Ballyduff Bridge fisheries control a number of beats of the Munster Blackwater. The Ballyduff Bridge beat is almost a mile long offering a huge variety of water and is particularly suited to fly fishing. Upstream near the village of Ballyhooley (a few miles outside the town of Fermoy, Cork) we have two beats. The Ballincurrig Beat is one of the most beautiful locations along the river and has an excellent piece of fly water flowing into a deep pool. Just downstream on the opposite bank we have a short but productive beat, called Magners. This beat fishes also well in high water.
Contact Conie Corcoran:
Ballyduff, Co. Waterford.
Mobile: +353 (0)87 6918230.
Fortwilliam Fishery & Self-Catering Cottages
Fortwilliam Fishery is 3 miles from tidal water and has 5 beats on the river, which include stretches particularly suited to fly fishing. Offering a total of 3.5 miles of double bank fishing, our beats provide a wide variety of water, suitable for both beginners and the more experienced fishermen. All beats are interlinked and enjoy vehicular access and huts.
Contact Paul Whelan:
Fortwilliam Fishery, Glencairn, Lismore, Co. Waterford, Ireland
Web: Email: [email protected]
Tel: (00353) 87 8292077 or 058 75299
The Munster Blackwater…
For more information about salmon fishing on the Munster Blackwater please see the following page with a list of all the fisheries