Blue Shark Angling Galway skipper John Fleming showed a group of anglers what Galway had on offer over the St. Patrick’s Day weekend and all went away very pleased.  John reports:

We had more fantastic sport on light gear for pollock over the weekend, again all big fish, 1 specimen 12.5 pounds and plenty around the 8-10lb mark,

We also had a midweek run out and had a few dabs and whiting.


Grab your chance at some great fishing by contacting John who still has plenty of early season dates available  although the shark season is filling fast – phone 087 7571320

John Felming - Pollack

John Felming - March 2016

John Felming - March 2016 2


To make a booking…

John Fleming

Brazen Hussy 2, John Fleming - Blue Shark Angling Galway

Blue Shark Angling Galway,
Phone John Fleming : +353 (0)87 7571320