It’s that time of the year again when the Grand Canal around Tullamore is alive with Angling activity.
Last Thursday 22nd June club members met in force, armed with forks, drag rakes and petrol strimmer’s to voluntary carry out fishing peg clearances for the upcoming junior league which commences on Tuesday the 27th of June.

The junior league has been a tradition that dates back through the memories of many generations of anglers on the Grand Canal.
It is open to all the public under the age of 18years.
The league consists of seven Tuesday nights of fishing on the canal, between the hours of 7pm to 9pm.
All fish will be weighed after the final whistle at 9pm, and releases safely back into the canal.
Each night each angler’s fish weights will be added up for that evening and the competitors who catch the three heaviest weights of combined fish will be awarded 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize.
The club will provide fishing tackle prizes throughout the league to the winners.
Each fish weighted will be converted into points scored and at the end of the league one lucky angler with the most points will win the prestigious Canal Cup. There will also be a trophy for the heaviest net of fish caught by an individual angler during one of the seven competitions.
There will be various other prizes of fishing tackle to be competed for.
The competitions will start on the Grand Canal stretch at Whitehall. Meeting at 6.30 to draw pegs and prepare equipment and the fishing will commence from 7pm to 9pm on Tuesday the 27th June 2017.
€10 entry fee covers non-members (€5 for members) and all Competition expenses. Please bring light tackle, a keepnet and rainwear.
The club would also like to thank The National Angling Development Plan, Inland Fisheries Ireland and Tullamore Credit Union who have kindly sponsored the clubs events.

Further dates for your diary’s:
Grand Canal Anglers:
- Johnny Cunningham Memorial –July 2nd 2017
- Jim Coyne Memorial – July 30th 2017
Both Competitions are coarse angling events open to anglers of all ages. Meeting at 9am. Fishing from 10am to 2pm
Whitehall stretch, Grand Canal Tullamore. €5 Entry fee. Please let us know if you’re interested in taking part. For more info contact 0851537209