Mick Flanagan tells us he was down to Lanesborough last week for the launch of the Lough Ree Coarse Angling Festival, penciled in for June Bank Holiday weekend. Already the event is booked out and there is a waiting list for places if any anglers drop out. It’s a huge event for the area and many Hotels and B&B in the surrounding areas booked out for that weekend.

Lanesborough Angling Hub
Brenda Madden BOI Longford, John Devanny I.F.I., Fergal McElgunn Lanesbourough Community Collage teacher,Erin Reynold BOI Longford, Philip Gordan Festival Director, Ciaran Mullolly L.R.A.H. in front coarse angling coach Mary Tigwell, and Orla Costello student from Lanesborough Community College

Mick was also saying that so Lough Ree Angling Hub have a new pike competition coming on line on Ree. On June 24th and 25th the Lough Ree International Pike Classic will take place, and is hosted by Camlin & District Anglers.

For more details on these events please contact Debbie on 043-3321734.