Eileen Carroll tells us that 8 salmon were landed last week on the Lee’s club and free waters, best 11lbs at the Kingsley Weir on a prawn by a local angler.


6 fish were reported for the week, 2 were returned and 4 were landed on shrimp by local anglers weighing 2¼lbs, 4lbs and 2 weighed in at 4½lbs each.

Go fishing…

The River Lee drains a catchment of 484 square miles of which much is taken up by two large reservoirs. Salmon Angling is confined to an 8 mile stretch from Inniscarra dam to Cork city.

Inniscarra Fishery

This salmon fishery is located between Cork City and the dam at Inniscarra (9 miles). The fishery is run by the ESB (Electricity Supply Board) and an ESB permit is required. There is a fair run of fish with a very good grilse run dependent on water. Permits can be purchased on site from Dan O’Riordan, ESB Inniscarra; 087-9983879.

Lee Salmon Anglers Club

The Lee Salmon Anglers club was established in 1967. It was formed by a group of anglers interested in protecting and promoting the sport of salmon and trout angling on the river Lee. Day tickets available: http://www.leesalmonanglers.ie/