Skipper Donal Kennedy reports:

On Sat 13th May a party of anglers from Co. Cavan set out from Killala Harbour for a day’s fishing. The morning was dull morning with light southerly winds but conditions changed in the afternoon to fresh southerly winds and thunderstorms. Fishing was slow at first with only few small pollack and coalfish being caught and returned. Even moving to another spot didn’t improve things as if the fish had moved away out to deeper water. However, as the day progressed things changed drastically as if someone had turned on a switch. For about two hours good numbers of ling, cod, Pollack and coalfish were landed with some into double figures. The catch of the day, however, was an unusually big common squid which took a small silver pirk.

Unusually big common squid taken on a pirk

To book a day’s fishing in Killala Bay contact Donal Kennedy on +353 (0)086 8174509 or visit