Jim Linehan of the Deora Dé reports on a good at at the sharks…

Double hook up – two blues tagged and ready for release

Good few blue sharks caught today (20 July) between the boats. It was busy on the shark grounds probably 6 or 8 boats fished them today. We had a good few including two specimen weight sharks, one a female and the other, unusually enough, a big male of 105lbs. Most of the males we get here are scrawny about 25 – 45lbs.

Specimen size shark- female
Typical scrawny male blue. They do get a lot bigger, just not as big as the females

Go fishing…

Deora Dé

Deora Dé is a fast modern charter boat (35′ Offshore 105. 400 HP Iveco), built to the skipper’s own specifications and exceeding the current safety standards. Species of fish caught include: Blue Shark, Mackerel, Pollack, Cod, Whiting, Conger Eel, Ling, Wrasse, Gurnard, Garfish, Dogfish, Coalfish and many more! Full rod & tackle hire available with free tuition given. Free tea & coffee onboard.
Telephone: +353 (0)21 4863445 or +353 (0)86 4091389
E mail: [email protected] Website:www.charterangling.com

Deora De