Adrian Browne reports that Sunday’s match at Oaklands fished well despite the weather…
It was a great day at the start of today’s open match at Oaklands. Fishing started well for most but weather conditions got worse through the match. The fish kept coming for the lucky few and some great weights were landed for the time of year.
- 1st Danny Murphy 114 lbs (11)
- 2nd James Foley 101 lbs (16)
- 3rd Alain Aphadine 97 lbs (18)
Winter league 2nd round next Sunday 18th
Draw 9.00am Fishing 10.30am to 3.30pm.
Fishing for Pieta
It’s that time of year again,when Killinardin Angling Initiative start to organise #FishingForPieta #FishingForHope .
Date 25th May 2019
Oaklands lake New Ross Co Wexford.
Angling For Mental Health & Suicide Awareness.
This Charity Competition is so important, firstly in raising awareness through angling & within the angling community surrounding mental health.
Secondly KAI raise money for 2 great Charitys Pieta House, Preventing Suicide and Self Harm HOPE – Suicide Prevention Drop In Centre Tallaght.
Go fishing…
Oaklands Lake in New Ross Co. Wexford is a fishing paradise for coarse angling. It offers a wide selection of fish. The lake can be fished by people of every level of experience from beginners to professionals.
Adrian Browne
Oaklands Lake,
New Ross, Co. Wexford.
Telephone: +353 (0)51 445348
Mobile: 0877811042
Web: Oakland Lake Fishery