Inland Fisheries Ireland have responded to reports of a fish kill in The Lough, Cork City. The reports were received from Cork Carp Anglers Club who recorded a number of dead fish at this iconic city centre carp fishery. Initial investigations by Inland Fisheries Ireland indicate the cause of death to be a fish health issue with a bacterial or fungal infection suspected of causing the mortalities.

An infected carp frmo the Lough
An infected carp from the Lough

Inland Fisheries Ireland has estimated that in the region of 200 carp have been infected in this outbreak. A small number of live fish have been securely transported to a specialist fish health unit to identify the infectious agent. All dead fish that have been collected are being held in cold storage at an Inland Fisheries Ireland facility pending the outcome of the tests to determine the exact cause of death.

Anglers are requested to suspend all fishing activity at the lake until further notice. Any anglers who have been fishing the venue in the last month are advised to carry out appropriate disinfection of their landing nets, fish mats, footwear and other gear that may have become contaminated to prevent the spread of the disease to other fisheries.

Full information is available at