Gary Chandler reports on Sheemore Angling Association’s recent outings…

02 May: Not a great turnout to day as a lot of the regulars were busy today but a few turned up so here are the results of the Wednesday match on Lough Allen.

Robert Howgate. 20lb 04oz
Dave ddy. 15lb 14oz
Ray Carpenter. 14lb 11oz

So a lot of us missed not a bad day but we also missed the rain so it’s not all bad. summers coming at last.

06 May: Well Sumners here at last but nobody told the fish a few of us found a few but the sunnier it got this afternoon the more they wandered off .here are the results of today’s match on Lough Allen.

  • Malcom Singleton. 7lb 15oz
  • Mary Tigwell. 7lb 11oz
  • Gary Chandler. 7lb 03oz
  • Joe van der spek. 5lb 01oz
  • Pat Tigwell. 2lb 02oz
  • Dave oddy. DNW
  • Ray Carpenter. DNW
  • Robert Howgate. DNW

On a good note, for Malcom anyway, he won the match and walked away with the golden peg so a productive day for him so well done Malcom.

09 May: Well summer didn’t last long but still a few fish feeding at Drumshambo Lock today. The results were..

  1. Robert Howgate. 13lb 08oz
  2. Joe van der Spek. 12lb 15oz
  3. Gary Chandler. 10lb 08oz

Some good fish about but not enough of them but enough to make an enjoyable day and not to much rain.

Gary Chandler
Sheemore Angling Association

Go fishing – join the club…

If you want to find out more about joining the club or getting involved in their competitions contact Sheemore Angling Association here or follow their facebook group at

Sheemore Angling Association are affiliated to the National Coarse Fishing Federation of Ireland and are members of the Angling Council the National Governing Body for coarse and predator angling as recognised by Sport Ireland and Sport NI.