An open fly fishing day for youths was held by the Dundalk & District Brown Trout & Salmon Anglers Association at its clubhouse at Toberona, Dundalk Co Louth on Sunday last 10th June 2018. The event which included fly casting tuition and fly tying was run from 11am to 5pm to develop the youth base of the Association by encouraging more youngsters to get involved in fly fishing and angling generally. The event which was open to all was well supported by club members, participants and their families and friends. The standard of tuition was fantastic which was no surprise with casting instructor Eamonn Conway and Youth Development Officer Matt Campbell involved. Youngsters that had never fly fished before were casting like experienced fly anglers less than half way through the casting tuition session.
There was also great interest in the fly tying demonstration and tuition provided by club PRO Hubert Smyth. Also on hand to lend assistance with everything were club members Fred O’Hagan, Mike Woods, Gavin Hilliard, Mark Gallagher and Joe Macken. The event was hailed as a great success and everyone is looking forward to future events which will again be aimed at beginners and improvers. The club would like to express its sincere thanks to all who supported and sponsored the event.
Further information on the day’s events can be found on the associations Facebook page.
The clubs website acknowledges that the vibrant nature of the club owes it strength to the present and past generations of dedicated members who voluntarily give off their time and experience to preserve and enhance the quality of fishing for present and future generations of anglers. The future of any organisation is very much dependant on its youth and to this end and for the sport generally the development of youth angling has always been very important to and well recognised by the Dundalk & District Brown Trout & Salmon Anglers Association. This can be witnessed from the photo below which dates from 1958. There are also much earlier photos displayed in the Associations clubhouse at Toberona and youth has been a huge part of the Association since its official foundation in 1926 and indeed prior to this.
The Dundalk & District Brown Trout & Salmon Anglers Association was founded in 1926 but its history pre-dates this and is probably one of the oldest fishing clubs in Ireland. The Association has enjoyed a long history of angling in the North Louth/Monaghan area and is now recognised as one of the most progressive clubs in the country. Since its foundation the club has working with and encouraging youngsters to take up the sport of angling, including fly fishing. The clubhouse situated on the banks of the Castletown River has turned out to be a great asset for meetings and organising our various outings and events including last Sundays open fly fishing day for youths.
If you are interested in getting involved in the sport of angling around Dundalk and the NE, the Dundalk & District Brown Trout & Salmon Anglers Association can be contacted through its website and via email.
Web: Email: [email protected]