Mick Flanagan reports on the latest pike news from Lough Derravaragh…

Last Sunday in cold bright conditions Lough Derravaragh Angling Association hosted the Murtagh Cup for Pike. Derravaragh has become a very popular venue for pike anglers, and the pike I reckon have seen every lure in the book. Last Sunday proved another hard day’s fishing, and the Derravaragh pike were reluctant to come on the feed.

April Flanagan and winning pike from Derravaragh.

This time of year the feeding window can be very short indeed, and I was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time. Shortly after lunch last Sunday there was a bit of surface movement and sure enough a few pike came on the feed. I teamed up with daughter April and we hooked 5 pike, but managed to land only 2. Not big pike, but on the day worth their weight in Gold. Kieran Evans presented the prizes are Donore Shore.

Kieran Evans presents Mick with Murtagh Cup.

Earlier in the month the Derravaragh Anglers fished the Weir Cup. The competition was won by Mark O’Connor, second was Kieran Evans and 3rd was Kieran Newman. Presentation took place at Donore Shore and Liam Gisenan Chairman of Derravaragh presented the prizes.

Next event:

Christy Hynes Competition Captain announced that the Moffatt Cup/ Christmas Pike competition will take place on Sunday next December 2nd. Hopefully weather conditions will suit, and we will have another great day out on Derravaragh. Fishing is once again from 11am and all rods back at Donore Shore at 4pm.

Join the Club

Lough Derravaragh Angling Association is open for membership.

Michael Flanagan
Midland Angling

Make a booking

Midlands Angling  provide a top class Guiding service covering many of the top coarse and game waters across the Midlands. Visiting fly anglers have landed some fine trout while out with Midland Angling Guides, pike anglers also recorded some net bursting catches including many pike over 20lbs. Top waters include Lough Ree, Ennell, Owel, Lene, Mount Dalton, and Glore Lake just to mention a few.
Michael Flanagan
Midland Angling
Pike and Trout angling guide.

Telephone: +353 (0)44 9348969 or +353 (0)87 2797270
Fax: +353 (0)44 9342781
Email: [email protected] Web: www.midlandangling.com