Billy Thornton reports from Ballina on fishing on the Moy System to 6th May 2018…
With the season rolling on the Moy catch continues to improve with 122 salmon reported caught last week. While conditions are good at the moment with very fishable water on all fisheries three quarters of last week’s catch was taken upstream of Foxford.

On the Moy Fisheries’ Ridge Pool Ghillie John Howley landed the second fish of the season on the fly a 4.5 lb blackback.

On the Cloongee Fishery Dublin angler Bill O’Regan had a 7.5 lb & 12 lb fish on worm, UK. Anglers Neil Kennedy 10lb on worm & 11lb on bubble & fly and Des Boyd 8 lbs on worm.
On East Mayo Anglers water Pascal Nicolas France had 4 salmon on fly & 1 salmon on spinner, 3 of which he released, his best fish was 10 lbs. Gerard Portes also from France had 5 salmon on fly, 3 of which he released and his best fish was 11 lbs.
With water levels continuing to drop and the weather starting to warm up we should see more anglers on the bank this week. In Ballina fish are starting to show on both the Ridge Pool and Cathedral beat.
How’s the river doing? Check the Ridge Pool Webcam
For more about the River Moy and its fisheries, including prices and maps see –