Billy Thornton reports from Ballina on fishing on the Moy…
15 April: While water levels were perfect, angling effort was poor due to bitterly cold winds for most of the week. Despite this 35 salmon were reported caught. 16 of which were taken by Ballina Salmon Anglers with the remainder scattered through the system. Local angler Derek Harrision was one of the lucky anglers on Ballina Salmon anglers water catching his first ever springer a fine 9 lb fish on worm.

At Foxford Fishery manager Granvil Nesbit had there first salmon of the season on The Foxford Fishery.
Foxford Salmon Anglers reported 2 salmon caught, while East Mayo Anglers only reported 3 salmon, David Conaty, Castlebar had the catch of the week, a fish of 12 lbs taken on fly.
Water levels have already dropped back so the week ahead is looking good.