Osgur Grieve reports on the latest from the Erriff Fishery.

20th – 26th September.

We have had 10 salmon landed during this period. The day after storm Ali, Thursday 20th, saw the gauge reading 1.58m in the morning. The river was high but running clear after the previous couple of floods that had flushed it out. Regular visitor Archie McCauley took full advantage of his morning and released a 9lbs salmon from Poleen on Beat 4 using a Collie Dog tube. Gael Kerschbaumer fished Beat 5 that morning and released 2 grilse of 3lbs and 4lbs from Glenacally and Boat Pool using a General Practitioner. Later that day Tomas Weiss returned to the Erriff and released a 7lbs salmon from School House on Beat 3 using a Green Cascade variant.

On Friday 21st Sam Dawson released a wild grilse of 4.5lbs from the Quarry Pool on Beat 2 on a Collie Dog tube. Gael Kerschbaumer continued his successful weeks fishing releasing a 4lbs grilse from Mickey’s Run on Beat 7, using a General Practitioner.

Saturday 22nd saw the return of regular angler Neil Spellacy who fished the morning and released a 5lbs grilse from Mike’s Pools on Beat 3 using a Faughan shrimp.

On Tuesday 25th it was regular angler John Phelan’s turn who released a 3lbs grilse from the Lower Garden Pool using a small Cascade.

By the morning of Wednesday 26th the river had risen to 1.25m and was running clear. Regular visitor Michael Parry fished Beat 6 in the morning and had his personal best from the Erriff, an 11.5lbs salmon from the Colonel’s Pool using a Silver Stoat’s Tail. Later that day Lewis Matthews released a 2.5lbs grilse from the top of Doyle’s Pool using a Willie Gunn. There were also 13 sea trout returned ranging from 0.5lb – 1lb from throughout the river. For anyone wishing to have a last cast before the end of the season, you can book through the fishery office on (095) 42382 or by emailing [email protected]


Michael Parry's 11.5lbs wild salmon being released, 26 September 2018. #CPRsavesfish
Michael Parry’s 11.5lbs wild salmon being released, 26 September 2018. #CPRsavesfish



Go Fishing

The Erriff is a spate river draining beautiful mountain scenery and entering the sea at Killary Harbour, near Leenane. The river is split into 9 beats, and is flyfishing only for the most part. The river provides quality fishing for salmon and sea trout in spectacular surroundings. There is also lake fishing available on Tawnyard Lough, on one of the tributaries, providing sea trout fishing from July to September.

If you wish to book fishing please call the fishery office on (095) 42382 or email us at [email protected]