David McEvoy reports from the Delphi Fishery…
19 May: Week 20 is just finishing up and while there are still fish running, water levels have dropped off to 15 and we have now had quite a few fine, dry and sunny days. While this weather is ideal for those spectacular photos, it makes catching the elusive salmon even more difficult!
Wednesday afternoon, while people were finding it difficult to see fish in the river, I decided I better have a look myself. It was rather windy, which makes spotting fish difficult. Having said that I did manage to see five in the Whin Pool and then below the bottom bridge I saw four fish running, even though the tide had only turned. I showed these fish to a couple of anglers and they saw quite a few more coming in later, on the tide.

After a great Monday morning when we had four fish, Tuesday was a bit slower, but Pat Hagan managed to land a nice fish off Finlough, of 7lbs10ozs on a Posh Tosh. There are plenty of fish showing in Fin at the moment, but they have been difficult to tempt, despite good wind conditions some days. Having said that all anglers fished hard and of course there was the usual social aspect to the week!!

Christopher Jarman, who rarely blanks kept his record intact, when he landed a fish yesterday from the Quarry Pool of 8lbs7ozs on a Monkey Dog, (which is basically another version of a Collie Dog).
Fishing has been quiet so far today, with one fish risen on Finlough. Hopefully the fish are waiting for the rain that is forecast later tomorrow and Monday approx. 30 to 40mms, depending on which forecast you look at. It will be interesting to see how accurate the forecasts on the weather apps are! I
f the forecast is correct, it should put the system in good order again for the coming week. There is the odd rod available next week so if anyone is interested, contact the office or myself.
David McEvoy
Delphi Fishery
Go fishing…
At Delphi Lodge, with many years of experience with the timing of the best runs of fish, we have in place a price system that offers both great value fishing and lets our anglers know when they have the best chance to catch a fresh run spring salmon or a summer grilse or Delphi sea trout.
Delphi Fishery
Delphi Lodge, Leenane, Co. Galway.
Tel: +353 (0)95-42222 Fax +353-95-42296
Web: www.delphilodge.ie
New for 2018/2019
We are delighted to announce an opportunity to purchase prime Irish Salmon Fishing with accommodation in a country cottage. Each new member will have the option of a one week stay, a four day stay or a three day stay fixed for five years. For more information see https://delphilodge.ie/2018/04/10/the-new-delphi-salmon-club-and-syndicate-connemara/