Lough Currane and River Inny updates from Vincent Appleby and the Waterville Lakes and Trust…
29/8/18 Straight to the North Shore and the Bungalow, UK fly Angler Mr. Simon Darcy, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea of www.oshealoughcurrane.com caught 3 Trout on the fly and for the rest of the Lough Curran Anglers their mobiles were as dormant as the fish. Wind NW fresh with good cloud cover. Yesterdays weather maximum air temperature 16.1 c.
30/8/18 There was some fine action in the C&R Sea Trout and Salmon fly department today, so lets head for the North Shore and the Bungalow, UK fly angler Mr. David Burton caught 6 Juniors, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Tom O’Shea and of www.flyfishingatloughcurrane.com Staying at the Bungalow, Mr. Neil O’Shea of www.oshealoughcurrane.com and fellow Gillie Mr. Bob Priestly, Fishing with UK Anglers, Stoop and Darcy party, between the two boats caught 6 Trout and a cracker of a 10 lbs. Salmon, again all put back. Just for the record the Salmon was caught in Mr. Bob Priestley’s boat. Wind SE fresh and overcast with light rain early this evening. Yesterdays weather, maximum air temperature 16.2 c.
31/8/18 There was a nice spot of C&R Sea Trout fishing in the fly department, so lets get to the action, fly angler Mr. David Burton of Yorkshire UK, while fishing with his Gillie Mr .Tom O’Shea of www.flyfishingatloughcurrane.com caught two Sea Trout, best of which 1.½ lbs. Staying in the C&R Sea Trout fly department, Stoop and Darcy party of the UK and fishing with their Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea and at www.oshealoughcurrane.com caught 6 Sea Trout all in the Junior class. Wind SE strong this morning and veered W in the afternoon calm and overcast. Yesterdays weather, maximum air temperature 16.1c.
1/9/18 Straight to the action? So we will head for the upper Lakes and Lough Derriana and quote of the day from renowned fly angler and Gillie Mr. Bob Priestley, No fish and no wind and that sums up the action on Lough Derriana, so on that fishless and windless day on the upper Lakes, we head down the Commeragh River to the big Lake / Lough Currane where conditions weren’t much better, but fair play to UK fly angler Mr. David Burton while fly fishing with his Gillie Mr. Tom O’Shea and at www.flyfishingatloughcurrane.com did catch a fine Junior, or you could say one gust, one cast, one Sea Trout. That is your ration from all the departments on the Waterville Fishery. Wind on Lough Currane calm this morning and come afternoon light SW and bright and sunny all day. Yesterdays weather, maximum air temperature 20.1c. Picture approximately shows amount of rain fall for Waterville tomorrow.
2/9/18 There was great action on Lough Currane today so we start in Sea Trout department. UK fly Anglers, Stoop and Darcy party caught two Juniors on the drift, while fly-fishing with their Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea and at www.oshealoughcurrane.com staying in the Sea Trout department, renowned Cork fly angler Mr. Paul Lawton caught 10 Juniors on the drift and Paul reported that his best Sea Trout of the day was 2 ½ lbs. Now we head for the Killarney Salmon and Trout Club and their annual visit to Lough Currane and they made a little bit of history by having their first ever Brown Trout competition on Currane and what a cracker of a day they had. So lets go to the facts of the day. 9 Killarney fly anglers headed out of from www.lakelandshouse.com This morning to the Brown Trout grounds of Currane and it wasn’t long before hell broke out as their reels sang and as lunch was approaching to say the Brown trout were boiling would be an understatement because one angler complained that he had to continue casting and catching and missed his lunch but as he said I wasn’t browned off with a smile. By the end of their day, the Killarney Salmon and Trout anglers caught 50 Brown Trout between them and added a few nice Sea Trout to 3lb but sadly Sea Trout didn’t count. Their Brown Trout of the day weighed in at 1 ¾ lbs. On the World Famous Butler pool and at www.watervillegolflinks.ie US angler Mr. Jesse Safir from Philadelphia caught a fine Salmon on the fly. Wind SE strong then veered NW come afternoon light and overcast with heavy rain at times and there was a nice flood coming down the Finglas this afternoon. Yesterday weather, maximum air temperature 20. 3 c.
3/9/18 Local angler Mr. Steven Donnelley of Caherciveen takes all the Game fishing headlines on Lough Currane and for good reason. While fishing with his good friend Michael he caught a 4 lbs Grilse on the troll. On the Sea Trout front it was all quiet on the SW front and that’s not surprising with a cold light NE wind blowing with bright sunshine all day. Today’s weather as already stated. Yesterdays weather, maximum air temperature 17.8 c.

4/9/18 There was some great action on the Waterville Fishery this day so we will head for the world famous Butler Pool and at www.watervillegolflinks.ie UK Angler Mr. David Burton caught two Grilse on the fly and kept one. His good friend Mr. Bill Shackleton of the UK also caught a fine Grilse on the fly. After a cracker of a morning’s fly-fishing on the Pool with their Gillie Mr. Tom O’Shea of www.flyfishingatloughcurrane.com they headed up stream to Lough Currane for an afternoon’s Sea Trout fishing and the angler that came up trumps was Mr. David Burton with a fine Junior. Staying on Lough Currane we head for the Salmon department, UK Angler Mr. Keith Nicklin caught a fine 9lbs Salmon, while Fishing with his Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea at www.oshealoughcurrane.com . Wind NNE light with reasonable cloud cover. Yesterdays weather, maximum air temperature 16.2 c.
Vincent Appleby
The Trust report
There has been a small run of ‘Juniors’ into the system over the last week or so, with several turning up in anglers catches daily. These little fish generally run around the the 10 to 12 inch mark but there have been noticeably fewer larger sea trout in evidence. The scientists tell us that a proportion of these small fish will spawn this year, so it adds some urgency to our proposed Stream Conservation Project!
The odd salmon is still being caught too. This time of the year there is usually a small run of summer salmon and grilse into the River Inny, but again very few fish have been caught so far. It remains to be seen whether this is a result of the ongoing warm water conditions or something more problematic.
Juniors have also been showing up in small numbers in the Upper Lakes, but again with very few larger fish. The trick up there, apparently, is to fish small wake flies, muddlers etc, on a floating line and look out for very splashy rises!
The water temperature in the Hatchery last weekend was still running at over 15 degrees, but cooler conditions and more rain is promised for next week, so it will be interesting to see what happens through the latter part of the Season up to the 12th October.
Some really good news this week has been the confirmation that the first part of our Leader funding, for our Stream Conservation Project, has now been approved and Professor Ken Whelan is aiming to start his survey work next week. The idea is to assess the spawning habitat potential in the small streams which run into Lough Currane and plan the necessary habitat improvement work. The Wild Trout Trust is sending one of their officers to advise on carrying out the necessary work. Needless to say the ‘heavy lifting’ will be carried out by our volunteers. Watch this space for details of planned working parties over the next month! Some of the match funding required has been granted by LAWCO, but we are still short of funds, so if there is anyone out there who would like to help us, just take out a membership online at www.watervillelakes.org and be sure that your contribution will go to this essential project work.
Our team of Marine Biologists went over to the Royal Geographic Society Annual Conference in Cardiff UK and presented a paper on the work we have in hand. It was apparently very well received, so congratulations to Eleanor, Lucy and Marc!
Rod Robinson
Waterville Lakes & Rivers Trust
Go fishing…
Vincent Appleby
Eureka Lodge, Caherdaniel West, Co. Kerry.
Telephone: +353 (0)66 9475248
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.salmonandseatrout.com
Waterville Lakes and Rivers Trust
The Waterville Lakes & Rivers Trust, formed by concerned volunteers in 2016, is one of the new Rivers Trusts to be set up in Ireland and is currently aspiring to Charitable Status. Its remit is to protect the fresh and coastal waters of the Iveragh Peninsula.
Find out more and how you can contribute at
Find out more about Lough Currane…
The rivers and lakes of Waterville drain a large catchment and are regarded by many as the foremost Salmon and Sea-Trout fishery in the country. The lake system is well developed with access to boats and guides being readily available to the tourist angler. The Sea-Trout caught here are renowned for their size and quantity. For more details see