Osgur Grieve was in touch with the latest news from the Erriff, where welcome rain has brought in fresh fish.
Low water and high water temperatures made angling very difficult on Wednesday and Thursday. A welcome thunderstorm on the afternoon of Friday 8th rose the river from 0.5m to 1.02m in the space of an hour which brought in the fish that were waiting in the bay. That evening regular angler Bernard De Suza lost a good fish from the Falls after a 20 minute battle, much to his disappointment. On Saturday 9th Jeff Hellerbach (USA) fished with us and landed 2 ranched grilse of 3.7lbs and 4.1lbs on a Cascade in the Middle Garden Pool, these were Jeff’s first Atlantic salmon!
Sunday 10th was Tim Brown’s turn, landing a fine 7.5lbs wild salmon from the Falls using a Posh Tosh.
At the time of writing there is a good flood following yesterday’s rain which is dropping nicely. This has brought in some more fresh springers along with a few grilse.
With the broken weather that is set to continue it should make for good angling conditions over the next few days.
For fishing bookings please call the fishery office on (095) 42382 or email us at [email protected]