Donal Kennedy reports
A party of German anglers set out from Killala at 9.45am. The weather was dull and overcast with showers promised. The winds were southerly moderate to fresh. The first drift over rocky ground produced coalfish and the skipper was well prepared bringing fresh frozen mackerel as bait because for most of the day no mackerel were caught. As the skipper moved to sandy ground, drifts produced some fine turbot, brill, plaice dab, tub gurnard , lesser spotted dogfish and some small rays. On the way back to harbour the skipper stopped to see if there were any mackerel around and the anglers were pleased to catch a couple of dozens each. All returned safely to harbour well pleased.
To book a day’s fishing in Killala Bay contact Donal Kennedy on +353 (0)86 8174509 or visit