Declan Gibbons reports on another good week on Corrib, with great conditions providing really good late season sport.
In the Cornamona area Tom Doc Sullivan reports of the following anglers enjoying good angling on Lough Corrib: Jason Riordan from Waterford and Dave Burke from Cork fished for three days and had great sport boating 24 fish for their trip with the best fish being 2.5lbs on traditional wets and dries (daddies and sedges ). Christophe DuPont from France, a first time visiting angler to Lough Corrib was guided by Tom Doc and spent a morning ferox fishing without any joy, and then for the remainder of his day went fly fishing and landed 2 good trout. John Somerville and Tom Doc himself fished for an afternoon and boated 6 fish over 2lbs all off the shallows.
Larry McCarthy of Corrib View Lodge, Glencorrib reports another good week with lots of fish reported on wet and dry sedge patterns. Edinburgh angler Vaughn Ruckley fished with Larry over five days and boated 17 fish up to 3.75lbs on sedge patterns in the Greenfields area. Frank Reilly guided from the lodge on Saturday and boated 8 trout to the boat varying in sizes from 1.5lbs up to 2.5lbs in the Inchiquin area on sedge patterns. A sprinkling of small olives have started to appear so Larry is optimistic the week ahead will produce some good quality top of the water angling.

Visiting angler Marc Whalen from Scotland, also staying at Corrib View Lodge was guided by John Somerville and landed 2 trout on dry sedges including a beautiful trout just under 3lbs which he sportingly released.

On Tuesday last Liam Jordan and Mattie Mons had 6 fish dapping in the Glann area with the fish averaging 1.5lbs.
On Saturday last in Oughterard the Martin Molloy Cup was hosted by the Oughterard Regatta. First place went to Seamus Kelly with 3fish for 2.445kgs, second place went to Gerry Molloy with 2 fish for 1.310kgs and third place went to Matt Tierney with 2 fish for 1.135kgs, Forty four anglers returned 19 fish casting and dapping. Kevin Molloy of Baurisheen Bay Boat Hire, Guiding & Self Catering (087-9604170) reports of a quieter week gone by but he guided two visiting French anglers on Tuesday last and landed 3 trout with the best being 2.5lbs.
Staying in the Oughterard area Basil Shields of Ardnasillagh Lodge (091-552550) reports of good fishing during the week gone by, Shane Meharg from Belfast on Saturday last had 3fish on dries with the best being 3.5lbs. Padraig Fahy and Mark Deavin on Friday last had 11 fish in the deeps. Carol Neil and Basil had 16 fish in the deeps on Tuesday last with Carol landing 3 fish which would have weighed 9lbs and also landed the best fish at 3.5lbs. Jack Buchanan had 7 fish in the deeps for his day on Corrib.
On Sunday last Loughrea father and Son Duo Robert and Ciaran Reilly had a more than memorable day when they brought 26 fish to the boat ranging in size from 1.25lbs up to 1.75lbs on dabbler patterns and on intermediate lines. Also on Sunday last in the Greenfields area the Braithreach na Coiribe hosted the Tony Tighe Cup (Heaviest Fish Competition) in which 40 rods participated and 32 fish were returned,. Winner on the day went to Noel O’Toole with a fish of 3.5lbs.

Galway angler Harold O’Toole on Sunday last had 6 fish on wets in the Rabbit and Inchagoill areas with his best fish being 3.5lbs.
Ted Wherry of Mayfly Lodge Ballynalty (087-4305957) reports good sport for four afternoon sessions along with Richard Robinson for the last week catching fish for each session and having fish up to 3lbs on small caddis patterns.