Mick Flanagan reports on fishing on Lough Conn…

Once again local trout angling club Lakeland Anglers were on Lough Conn recently for their annual 3-day trip. It proved a huge success, with some exception bags of trout being caught. Speaking to Alan Tyrrell of Lakeland Anglers he told us conditions were ideal and a steady hatch of May fly had the Conn trout surface feeding.

Martin McGorian
Martin McGorian receives the Sammy Smith Cup from Sammy.

On day one, which was a Friday, Alan had the best gross weight of fish weighing an impressive 4.260lbs. On Saturday our local Motor Mechanic Ciaran Newman was top rod with 5.296lbs, and Sunday Matrin McGorian won with 6.038lbs. Martin also picked up the Sammy Smith sponsored prize for heaviest gross weight over the 3 days.

Ciaran Newman
Ciaran Newman receives the Peadar Caffrey Cup from Alan Tyrrell

The Peadar Caffrey Cup was won by Ciaran Newman, and the Caffrey prize was won by Tosh grimes for heaviest trout weighing 2.932lbs. Great achievement for the Tosh from Ginnell Terrace as he won this prize in 2017, which is sponsored by Dinny Caffrey and the Caffrey family of Mount Street.

Tosh Grimes had heaviest trout from Conn.
Tosh Grimes had heaviest trout from Conn.

Lakeland Anglers would also like to thank all their sponsors, including David O, Mally, of O’Malley Tackle & Jeweler’s, Brian Conlon of Wild Total Outdoors, Nicky Shaw of Shaw’s Hardware, and Tony Masterson of Aquafix Roofing.

Michael Flanagan
Midland Angling

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Midlands Angling  provide a top class Guiding service covering many of the top coarse and game waters across the Midlands. Visiting fly anglers have landed some fine trout while out with Midland Angling Guides, pike anglers also recorded some net bursting catches including many pike over 20lbs. Top waters include Lough Ree, Ennell, Owel, Lene, Mount Dalton, and Glore Lake just to mention a few.
Michael Flanagan
Midland Angling
Pike and Trout angling guide.

Telephone: +353 (0)44 9348969 or +353 (0)87 2797270
Fax: +353 (0)44 9342781
Email: [email protected] Web: www.midlandangling.com