Lake O”Flynn & District Angling Association hosted the popular Malone cups on Sunday 22nd of July. The annual event was well attended as usual with 26 anglers competing. Angling was extremely hard on the day in unfavourable weather conditions. However, for some, it was their day and this year club P.R.O. Joe Fitzharris was the lucky one landing a cracking trout of 2lbs 14.8oz to win the much coveted Michael Malone Memorial Cup. Best fly patterns on the day were Green Peter Muddler, Silver Daddy, and Sooty Georges.


L-R Mark Malone, club secretary, John Deacy presenting Joe Fitzharris, winner with the Malone Cup 2018, Michael McDermott club Treasurer.
L-R Mark Malone, club secretary, John Deacy presenting Joe Fitzharris, winner with the Malone Cup 2018, Michael McDermott club Treasurer.



L-R Mark Malone, Jim Glynn and John Deacy, Heaviest boat catch winners in the Malone Cup 2018, Michael McDermott
L-R Mark Malone, Jim Glynn and John Deacy, Heaviest boat catch winners in the Malone Cup 2018, Michael McDermott


Results as follows:


Heaviest Fish Category

1st Joe Fitzharris  Fish – 2 – lb 14.8 oz.

2nd Ronan Baggott   Fish – 2 – lb 07.0 oz.

3rd Connie Finnerty Fish – 1 – lb 14.0 oz


Heaviest Boat catch category

1st John Deacy & Jim Glynn     5 – Fish 7-lb 06 oz.

2nd Joe Fitzharris & Jim Woods 2 – Fish 4-lb 00.0 oz.

3rd Sue Kidby & Ronan Baggott  2 – Fish 3-lb 00.6 oz