Sunday 16th September 2018.
There has been little salmon angling effort it seems but Melvin has been fishing well for trout, (mainly Sonaghan) over the past few weeks. On the 23rd to 26th of August, the Garrison & Lough Melvin Anglers Association held their 39th Melvin Open try fly competition. Thursday to Saturday were qualifying days with Sunday being the final. The competition was won on the Sunday by Robert Reilly and Hubert Smith with 12 fish. In 2nd place were Pat Carson & Ronnie Child with 9 fish and in 3rd place were Geoffrey Hylands & Tom Byrne with 8 fish.
On the 16th, the Seamus O’Doherty Memorial Cup pairs competition was fished out of Garrison. This was well attended with 50 boats venturing out. The competition was won by Basil Shields & Tommy O’Loughlin with 6 fish caught. In 2nd place came Patsy Treacy & Peter Diver and in 3rd place were Stevie Clarke & Stevie McSherry.
Go fishing…
- For info/boat hire/bookings etc on Lough Melvin see or Tel: 071 9841055.
- For info/Guides/boat hire on Lough Melvin contact Sean Maguire’s Tackle Shop, Main Street, Garrison. Tel: 0044 7871443304
- For bookings/guides etc on the Rossinver Fishery contact Bill McNeary, Tel: 071 9854930 or Jim Hoye, Tel: 0831197428
For info see