Declan Gibbons reports from Lough corrib where Caenis fishing is producing some huge catches…

Larry McCarthy of Corrib View Lodge reports of good fishing on Corrib for the week gone by with Gareth Jones of airflow tackle landing thirty six fish for four days fishing on caenis. Malcom Patrick UK angler for three days had twenty one fish on wet and dry mayflies. Also visiting from the UK was regurlar angler to Lough Corrib Vaughn Ruckley who had thirteen fish for three days fishing eight of which were on caenis and varying in sizes from a pound and a half up to three and a half pounds.
In the Oughterard area Gerry Molloy reports of visiting Swiss anglers whom are regular visitors to Oughterard enjoying excellent fishing trolling rapalas with their best fish tipping the scales at seventeen pounds and landing many more noble Corrib trout of excellent size and quality as we can see from the pictures.

Staying in the Oughterard area Basil Shields of Ardnasillagh Lodge (091-552550) reports of a slow down in activity for the week gone by and Cork angler John Quilligan had seven fish for one day on wet fly being the only activity at the Lodge.
Federation Cup 2018
Lough Corrib Angling Federation’s Federation Cup 2018 will be hosted by Ballindiff Bay Anglers this year. the competition will be fished from Luimnagh, Corrandulla, Co. Galway 24th June 2018 11.00am – 6.00pm.
This is a Catch & Release Competition.
Entry is €25 and all proceeds from this competition go to the maintenance and development of spawning and nursery areas in the Corrib catchment.
Entry Form : Federation Cup 2018 Entry form
Enquiries to: Denis Healy 0857540180 or Philip Comber 0862786301.
All proceeds to Cairde Loch Coiribe
(Lough Corrib Angling Federation Development Fund)