Brian Hennessy about to release his River Slaney salmon last week #CPRsavesfish

Rainfall this past week was up to twice the norm across some eastern and northeastern coastal counties, but below average across many other areas (with just ¼ to a ⅓ the usual rainfall across parts of west Munster and south Connaught). This and slightly cooler than average temperatures may be why the angling scene seems a little quieter than normal, but I know there are a lot of you out there hitting the water so feel free to get in touch with your updates on conditions, catches and creatures from the deep…

While it has been quiet in general the Slaney got its season off to a flying start with reports of 35 salmon caught and released in the opening 8 days. We’re giving Catch of the Week to Brian Hennessy for his super looking fish. There were also some reports of good fish caught and released on the Munster Blackwater, but elsewhere across the province fishing was not easy and low water was the main culprit. Further up the Atlantic coast at Delphi some great salmon fishing was enjoyed as salmon to over 18lbs were caught and Carrowmore Lake also had a few fish.

Early season river trout fishing is seeing good fishing on rivers like the Bride, Blackwater, Nore and more. Nymphs, traditional and more modern Euro approaches are producing good results, but with the slightly warmer weather there’s sure to be a hatch of something to get the fish looking up.

Carl with one of his nice Pike.
Carl with one of his pike from Co. Longford

In pike angling news, visitors to County Longford are getting good fishing despite the sometimes unpleasant weather. The results speak for themselves though along with the endorsement of promises to return.

We have just the one sea angling report, but it looks like the good fishing on Galway Bay continues. Although the spurdogs have not yet come on the feed, there is still a good mix of species to keep anglers busy.

And now the weather….

Current indications suggest it will be rather cloudy in Munster and Connaught on Saturday with the chance of rain in Atlantic coastal areas. However, elsewhere across the country it is expected to remain dry with sunny spells. Highest temperatures of 9 to 12 degrees in moderate to fresh southeast winds. On Saturday night, rain is expected to develop across much of Munster and Connaught but it will stay dry elsewhere. Minimum temperatures of 3 to 7 degrees in brisk southeasterly winds. Rain will affect parts of the south and west at times on Sunday but it looks set to hold dry in most other areas with mostly cloudy skies. A cold day with highest temperatures of just 6 to 9 degrees in a brisk southeasterly wind. Cold and breezy overnight with outbreaks of rain in the south and west. Lowest temperatures of 3 to 6 degrees. Latest indications suggest the early days of next week will be cold and showery with persistent rain at times. There will be a brisk east or southeasterly air-flow with temperatures a few degrees below the April average. There’ll be some welcome rain for some, but most would prefer it a little warmer…

Safe fishing to all and tight lines, especially here in Ireland.

Myles Kelly
Catch, Photo, Release

If you have an angling story to share with the Irish Angling Update please send it to [email protected].


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