It was another successful week for Inland Fisheries Ireland’s Go Fishing Programme as novice anglers from Rehab Care Waterford took to fishing at Ballyshunnock Reservoir. The novices are taking part in a Four Week Summer Camp where they receive coaching from qualified coaches Der Casey and Martin Collins Waterford & District Coarse Angling Club and get a chance to learn a new skill.

Service users from Rebab Care Waterford at Ballyshunnock Reservoir.

Inland Fisheries Ireland’s Go Fishing Programme provided funding for transport and coaching for the summer camp. The Go Fishing programme also provides educational information on the environment and the importance of catch and release fishing.

It is hoped that Go Fishing will act as an incentive for participants to take up fishing and join their local club.   Well done to all the new anglers with trout fishing and carp fishing next on the agenda!