Brendan Jarvis of Newbridge District Pike Anglers reports on their latest competition…

Newbridge and District Pike Anglers club held the 1st IFPAC All Ireland Junior Pike Championships qualifier of 2019 season at the weekend. The venue  was a section of canal along the River Barrow. The weather gods where good to us with very mild temperatures and no rain. It made a great day and they fished from 11am to 3pm. In total we had 16 juniors who caught and released 5 pike to 6lb 14oz. When the weights where being done we all had pizza, chips and plenty of sambos.  We also had IFPAC youth officer Andrius there who was running a little separate competition where the kids had to cast a lure into a bucket for a chance to win a lovely rod. Unfortunately none of our kids hit the target but was a great buzz watching them take their turns so well done to all involved.

pike fishing on a canal
Trying to tempt the pike under the bridge

Full results of the Qualifier are as follows:

Under 8s 

  • 1st Mason Cummins 
  • 2nd Brendan Jervis Jnr 
  • 3rd Bently Brennan


  • 1st Sam Murphy
  • 2nd Liam Gorman
  • 3rd Oliver Smyth

Under 18s

  • 1st Sean Redmond
  • 2nd Zoe Irvine

Other juniors the qualified for the final are as follows

  • Thomas Smyth
  • Josh Griffin
  • Jay Tanya
  • Tyler Brennan
  • Khloe o Reilly
  • Killian Kearney

Firstly I would like to thank our junior officer Keith Kearney for checking out venue and for setting up the our check in area. Also big thanks to Alan McEvoy and Dan O’Reilly for organising the great spread of food and minerals after the competition. Also big thank you to some of our members who made the trip to help, andI would like to thank all non members who made the trip and made it a great day out and lastly I would like to thank Niall from Glanmore Foods who gave the goody bags for all the juniors. 


Brendan Jervis

Club secretary

Join the Club…

Newbridge District Pike Anglers is a catch & release club we hold 1 competition every month. We are open for new members – get in contact via Facebook to find out more – Newbridge District Pike Anglers