The following is the angling report for the Erriff for the period August 24th – September 1st.
We have had good fishing over the last 9 days with September 1st being a bumper day! On Saturday 24th Emanuelle Mascioni fished with us and released a 5lbs grilse from the Falls Pool using the Hauger fly, later that day Paul Boyle landed a 3.25lbs grilse in the Broken Bridge Pool on Beat 5 using an Erriff nondescript. Local club man Peter Coyne fished on Sunday 25th and released a 5lbs wild grilse in the Falls Pool. Luke Drea returned to fish on Monday 26th for the afternoon and released a 3lbs grilse in the Lower Garden Pool.
There was a lull in catches over the next 2 days with just a few rods fishing but by Thursday 29th the river had risen to 1.6m and the fish turned on again. Tom Harrington fished Beat 6 and had 3 grilse of 2lbs, 4.1lbs and 5lbs on a Cascade and Executioner fly from the Willow Pool and Colonel’s Run and Martin Witort had 2 grilse of 3.4lbs and 3.9lbs on a Cascade in Doyle’s Pool and another of 5lbs from Colonel’s Run, also on a Cascade.
After the big flood on Saturday 31st peaking at 2.8m on the gauge, leaving the river unfishable, anglers made good use of their Sunday and had a bumper day on the Erriff, landing 24 salmon for the day! By the morning the river had dropped to 1.48m on the gauge and had cleared nicely. Seamus O’Neill released 2 wild grilse of 3lbs and 3.25lbs from the Coronation Pool on Beat 8 on a Collie Dog and a 2lbs wild grilse from the Middle Garden Pool on a Cascade. William Grange released 2 wild grilse of 5lbs and 6lbs from The Straight on Beat 5 using a pearl bodied Willie Gunn, and fishing partner Lyndsey Teague released a wild grilse of 4.5lbs from the Broken Bridge also on Beat 5.
12 fish in one day to the one rod!
The highlight of the day was Jonathan Murray’s catch and release of 12 salmon from beats 6, 4 and 3. Jonathan had 3 grilse of 4lbs, 5lbs, and 6lbs from Humps and Hollows on a Bann Special 1/2inch tube fly, a 4lbs grilse from Colonel’s Pool on a Garry Dog, a 5lbs grilse from the Willow Ppool on the Bann Special 1/2 inch tube, a 3lbs grilse from Altamot’s Dam on a Bann Special tube fly and a 4.5lbs grilse from Doyle’s Pool on a Calvin shrimp. Moving then to beat 4 he released 3 grilse of 3lbs, 4lbs and 5lbs on a Bann Special tube fly and a 5lbs grilse from Kings Pool, again on the Bann special tube! He finished off in style at the Schoolhouse on Beat 3 in the evening releasing an 8.5lbs salmon using a Calvin Shrimp fly. A day he will never forget!
Richard McDowell also had a great day releasing 3 grilse of 4lbs, 4lbs and 5lbs from Black Banks and a 4lbs grilse from Nee’s Pool on Beat 6 and 2 grilse of 5lbs and 6lbs from Cottage pool and Kelly’s Bend on Beat 4 all on a Bann Special tube fly and Garry Dog.
This brought our total to 34 salmon landed for this period, well done to all our anglers who battled rain and awkward upstream winds at times, perseverance is the key, along with a bit of luck!
Go Fishing
The Erriff is a spate river draining beautiful mountain scenery and entering the sea at Killary Harbour, near Leenane. The river is split into 9 beats, and is flyfishing only for the most part. The river provides quality fishing for salmon and sea trout in spectacular surroundings. There is also lake fishing available on Tawnyard Lough, on one of the tributaries, providing sea trout fishing from July to September.
If you wish to book fishing please call the fishery office on (095) 42382 or email us at [email protected]