South Shore Sea Angling Club held their second competition in their master angler league last Sunday…

26 March: South Shore held their second competition last Sunday in their master angler league. Entries were high with 49 anglers putting their names on the entry sheet. As always we had some drop outs due to various reasons, however 44 of our finest filled the carpark in Morriscastle eager to extract fish from the calm sea.

On the beach

Morriscastle is one of my favorite beaches because it rarely disappoints. With big equinox spring tides running expectations were high as reportsearlier in the week suggested that there might be a few small bass running. Unfortunately we were fishing over low tide and the bank had changed and caused problems for anglers in the low numbers.

Paul Whelan returned to form winning the competition charming 17 fish from peg 34. Sam Findley did really well winning the Juniors , Sam is one to watch for the future and been selected to fish for Leinster in the inter provincials in kerry.

Ian Daly got an unbelievable 94cm Bull Huss on a a size 6 hook , it was estimated to be over 10lb that was a fine fish given the conditions. 

A big welcome to our newest members Darius Gricus , Arunas Corelis and Rory O’Shea fishing their first club competition.

Dabs seemed the most numerous fish along with Whiting their was also a jammy lone dog taken by Ruairi Coleman on his first cast.

Young David Farrelly was a winner in zone B with big boy Darren Ryan continuing his good run of form winning a mean zone A.
Well done lads the competition is only red hot.

Competition results

South Shore SAC