There is a lot of bait fish activity along the south County Louth coast at the moment from the Boyne estuary north towards Dundalk. Many reports have been received of plenty of schoolie bass all along the coastline in these areas over the summer and there are still plenty around. Two anglers fishing in the Dunany area yesterday had reasonable catches of three and four with the best fish being around five pounds. The remainder were all small in the 2 to 3lb bracket and mostly undersized fish. Hard sub surface and plastic lures produced these fish.
On the Boyne estuary there is plenty of feed around with tiny fry exploding from the water on occasions like silver rain as they are chased by predators. Birds can also be seen hitting bait fish along the coast and the estuary. Yesterday started off as a very blustery overcast day which brightened into a beautiful calm sunny evening. One angler had 5 fish on the estuary yesterday evening on lures and the condition of the fish was incredible. All small but obviously feeding very well indeed. Both diving and surface lures produced fish with takes varying from gently sips to rod wrenching hits.
For further information on bass and sea angling on the east coast and the bass fishing regulations please visit the following links