MOUNT DALTON. This hidden gem situated near Rathconrath opened for trout fishing on May 1st, and I had my first evening fishing on the lake last week. On board was my old fishing pal Owen McEnteggart who is 80 years old now, and still doing the business on the trout scene. The evening we fished there were a few sedge on the water surface, and a nice few fish feeding. Saying this we fished wet flies, and small lures and these really did the business. Mount Dalton is fly only, and no engines are allowed on the lake. There are 2 boats for hire, and you must ring in advance. The contact number is 044-9355241, and best time to ring is late evening or early morning. Boat hire is 20 Euro, and you must also have an I.F.I. Midland Fisheries Permit.

MICHAEL HEALY MEMORIAL CUP. Here in the Midlands we fished our first evening Peter & Murrough trout fly-fishing competition. On Friday last July 12th Lough Lene Anglers hosted the Michael Healy Memorial Cup. The late Michael was Hon-Secretary of Lene for many years and he competition was well supported on the night. CLF Transport of Ashbourne were sponsors, and they really pushed the boat out for this event sponsoring prizes down to 6th place. The fishing was tough and as darkness fell little or no fly life was active on the surface, so not many fish were feeding. I personally only saw about a half dozen Peters and one big Murrough as darkness fell. Still the Lene anglers dug deep, and I even managed to get into the winning enclosure myself. I was on Connell’s Point, and one fish broke the surface in the moon light, I covered it will my dry Peter and as they say the rest is history. Full results are as follows. 1st John Reid of Dublin 1.32kg, 2nd Tosh Grimes Ginnell Terrace here in Mullingar 1.30kg, 3rd Tom Conlon of Athboy1.24kg, 4th Dermott Leonard of Trim, 5th Mick Flanagan, and 6th Tony Butler. Presentation took place on Fagan’s Point with Arlene Healy daughter of the late Michael presenting John Reid with her Dads Memorial Cup. Pat Browne was competition captain and as usual done a splendid job, and Chairman Tom Fagan thanked CLF Transport for sponsorship and all the anglers who supported the competition. Lene anglers are back in action on Friday night August 9th with the Larry Mulligan Memorial Cup top prize. Fishing 7pm-11pm.

WHAT LURKS DEEP IN OUR LAKES. Last week we mentioned that anglers were surprised to catch Snub nose pike, and on Ennell very fluorescent coloured pike. Well I dug deep in the Angling Focus files and have a few colourful pictures taken some years back. I actually have not deleted a picture since 2002 when I started the angling slot, and taking pictures of local character’s. The fluorescent pike pictured was caught by Mullingar angler Mick McCormack on Ennell back in July 2010, and it was a nice double. That day we were trolling from the Goose Island towards the Point Of Rinn In heavy rain when Mick caught this beautiful coloured fish. The incredible looking Snub Nose pike was caught on Lene in June 2006 by a visiting angler, and it’s a weird looking pike.

TROUT COMPETITION ON LINE. The Jimmy Nea Cup penciled in for next Friday evening 19th July on Ennell is canceled, members will be notified by text when the new date is set. This Friday 19th Lough Bane Anglers are in action with an evening trout competition. Fishing from 7pm-11am. Owel Anglers are not in action till August 7th when the Dan Mullally evening competition will be fished. More on this in the coming weeks.
Michael Flanagan
Midland Angling
Make a booking
Midlands Angling provide a top class Guiding service covering many of the top coarse and game waters across the Midlands. Visiting fly anglers have landed some fine trout while out with Midland Angling Guides, pike anglers also recorded some net bursting catches including many pike over 20lbs. Top waters include Lough Ree, Ennell, Owel, Lene, Mount Dalton, and Glore Lake just to mention a few.
Michael Flanagan
Midland Angling
Pike and Trout angling guide.
Telephone: +353 (0)44 9348969 or +353 (0)87 2797270
Fax: +353 (0)44 9342781
Email: [email protected] Web: