The World Cup Trout Flyfishing Championships is probably the jewel in the crown of Irish competition trout fishing, with anglers from far and wide flocking to Balllinrobe annually to compete for the coveted prize. This year, inclement weather played a large part, with windless conditions proving immensely tough on the opening days. Fishign improved over the weekend, with more fish caught, but a weather warning for strong winds and heavy rain saw the final on Bank Holiday Monday have to be called off for safety reasons, with a new date of 17 August fixed for the rescheduled final.
The opening day heat was won by Ted Wherry with 2 fish for 3.88lbs. Jackie Mahon was second with 2 fish for 3.20lbs, and Simon Tarpey was third with 1 fish for 1.98lb. Fishing was very tough, with bright skies and light winds dominating.
Friday saw an under-21 angler win the heat, Brendan Heaney taking top honours with 3 fish for 4.93lbs. Well done young man! Paul Miller was second, with 3 fish for 4.41lbs, and David Lennon was third with 3 fish for 3.84lbs.
Saturday’s heat was won by Seamus O’Loughlin in much better conditions, with a fine catch of 5 fish for 6.07lbs. Pat Smyth was second with 4 fish for 5.64lbs, and Michael J Kelly took third spot with 3 fish for 4.39lbs.
Pat Feerick won the final heat on Sunday, with 5 fish for 5.75lbs. Nicholas Hanley was third, with 3 fish for 4.67lbs, and Michael Shovelin was third with 4 fish for 4.46lbs.
Fortunately all 4 heats were able to be held, leaving just the final still to take place, and with nearly 2 weeks off I’m sure many of the qualifiers will be busy practising on Mask over the next week. We wish all competitors the best of luck and look forward to reporting on the winners in 2 weeks time.