Adrian Molloy and crew had another busy couple of days aboard Deep Blue this week; angler Andrew Ware broke his own personal bests for both size of fish and number of fish caught on consecutive days, while skipper Adrian hit the heady heights of 220 bluefin caught, tagged and released safely back to Irish waters this season. Adrian still has a month or so to go so we can only guess what the final tally will be.
On day one of their trip this week, Andrew managed to get a super seven tuna tagged – the biggest of which was estimated at over five hundred pounds and a personal best for him. Not happy with that, Andrew came back after a good night’s sleep and managed to subdue no less than nine bluefin for his day’s work – the best of which measured over 98inches or an estimated 600lbs of arm-aching, back-breaking, solid muscle.

Skipper Adrian has seen a few fish caught in his time, so when he calls it a ‘fantastic fishing feat’, you know you must have done something special – nicely done Andrew – a Catch of the Week that is likely to remain unmatched for a long time to come.

Tuna CHART (CatcH and Release Tagging) will see authorised vessels catch, tag and release Atlantic Bluefin Tuna for data collection purposes off the Irish coast. The programme, which is being developed by Inland Fisheries Ireland and the Marine Institute in partnership with the Sea Fisheries Protection Authority, the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and the Department for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, operated on a pilot basis in 2019.
The 2020 season will open on the 13th July and close on the 12th November 2020.