Richard Caplice reports from the Lough Muckno St Patricks Two Day Festival…
St Patrick’s weekend Two day Festival ends after the most muted circumstances we have ever experienced and was conducted under the most sanitised conditions we have ever implemented.
Winner was venue specialist Peter Horbinski followed by Chris Simpson and then came another very knowledgeable venue expert in the form of Philip Philip Jackson.
The striking aspect yet again was the evenness of the sections and the quality of the fishing throughout.
Despite this being our first event in a calendar that was showing a big numbers improvement this year, we are now very much in uncharted waters with respect to all our future events.
We will strictly comply with advice from all the statutory agencies and at all times have our anglers and the public’s health and safety fully to the fore.
Some events upcoming and several bookings posted have been cancelled for the immediate future and we fully support this course of action until things become clearer, safer and less uncertain.
We ask all of our anglers to maintain safe and secure social distancing while strictly applying the vital advice on hand washing and sanitising.
If we all work together we can make a difference and get through this difficult time ahead.
Please be aware be careful and most of all stay safe.
We will be constantly updating any relevant angling changes as they occur or as they apply to Lough Muckno and our many patrons and supporters.
Event Cancellation
It’s with regret and deep disappointment that we have on this date cancelled the upcoming Lough Muckno Easter festival.
Decision has been made at this point to give would be and booked on competitors an opportunity to make alternative arrangements in reasonable time.
The Covid-19 pandemic is posing a huge public health threat and we must all play our part to try to slow the spread by complying fully with the official requests and directives of the HSE and those tasked with guiding us at this perilous time.
We ask all of our patrons, supporters,competitors and all anglers to please observe the critically important but simple actions of social distancing, crowd avoidance and personal hand hygiene.
We must all play our part and encourage everyone around us to play their part also.
To the three thousand plus visitors to all our regular posts – Please keep your distance, thoroughly wash hands regularly and stay safe.
Please ask everyone you know to do likewise and make a massive difference that will save lives.
Dia dhaoibh agus Fan Slan.
Report Courtesy of Dick Caplice at