Not much has changed since last week only that even more fisheries have closed for angling as everyone is intent on doing their part to stop the spread of Covid-19 and help save lives.
In addition to the closure of all IFI’s owned and managed fisheries, all ESB fisheries are now closed until further notice and permit sales have been suspended. ESB fisheries include the River Shannon catchment (including all fisheries in the Midland Fisheries Group), River Lee catchment, River Liffey catchment, Erne and Assaroe Lake. For more information see https://www.esb.ie/acting-responsibly/fisheries-2
Covid-19 updates
- ESB closes all its fisheries until further notice
- Want to go fishing this weekend? Read this first #Stayathome
- Inland Fisheries Ireland Statement on COVID-19 – Angling Guidelines
Keeping to the theme of last week’s update, here’s a look at how the fishing was going this time 6 years ago…
Irish Angling Update – 11 April 2013
The weather continues to be wintry with easterlies dominating forecasts coupled with heavy rain in places in recent days. A change is due and hopefully it will see spring take a proper hold, water temperatures increase and angling prospects improve. Having said that there were a few anglers who managed to connect with some decent fish during breaks in the weather.
Sea angling reports

Some good charter fishing was reported from Dunmore East where a party of 8 anglers had 11 species including cod to over 10lb. At the other end of the country small boat anglers enjoyed greater success with a much smaller catch. Peter and friends fished a mark off the Maidens and landed a male skate of over 100lbs which wins Peter Catch of the Week.
- Skate to over 100lb for small boat anglers at the Maidens
- A perfect day for M.V. Sharpshooter with a catch of over 150 fish
- “Where have all the mullet gone ?” asks Richie
There were a number of encouraging salmon reports over the last 7 days, but again it was all down to anglers making the most of lulls in the poor weather conditions. At Lough Currane there were days when fishing was impossible but some sea trout and salmon were reported including two fish landed yesterday evening to 14lb. Sea trout and salmon also featured on the Laune despite low water, though the salmon were of a smaller size. On the River Bandon salmon to 17lb were reported including a lovely fish of 15lb landed in the town. Fort William on the Munster Blackwater enjoyed some great fishing with 10 salmon to 11lb to mark the start of April. Good fishing continued on the Slaney with a number of salmon reported and at Delphi despite fishing being very difficult with the level at ‘0’ on the scale, 3 salmon were landed.
Salmon fishing reports
- Salmon to 14lb and some sea trout about as winds ease on Currane
- 17lb Salmon caught with two others on the River Bandon
- Perfect water on the Lee but no salmon running
- Salmon running the Laune despite low water
- Delphi’s Holly pool and Finlough give up 3 fish to the anglers
- Fantastic start to April at Fort William on the Munster Blackwater
- Enniscorthy anglers meet the first fish of the season
- Salmon to 15lb on the Bandon
Trout fishing reports
Cold winds and cold waters made fly fishing for river trout a game for the wets as there were few hatches of anything at all to tempt trout to the surface. Traditional flies in a team of 3 did well for one angler on the River Suir. On the River Liffey anglers using modern streamers had good fish, while nymphs accounted for some pretty trout on Cavan’s smaller waters. Black Minkies and Humongouses accounted for some good fish on Lough Sheelin, though duckfly and tradional patterns did well where there was a bit of a buzzer hatch in the lake’s more sheltered corners. Some good trout were taken on Lough Owel and Robert Farrington fished a Silver Invicta to good effect, catching 6 fishing and winning the Jimmy Allard Cup.
- Mr Fly Fisher visits the clear waters of the Suir and vows to return
- “Farry” Good Angler wins ITFFA Youths International Qualifier
- Galway Angler Wins Boat at ITFFA Youths Qualifier
- Quality brown trout for Spanish angler on the Liffey
- Sparkling Sheelin favoured the Black minkies and humongous this week
- Carrigavantry and Knockaderry browns jump for the Black and Green
- Out and About for Trout With Eamonn Conway
Rainbow trout fisheries
- Carton House rainbows on nymphs and lures
- Ryewater is low and clear with expectations of good fishing when winds change
- Rathcon Fishery have a good weekend with black and red buzzers working well
- From Salmon to Rainbow – a cracking day for Jay
Pike fishing reports
Double trouble in the pike world came in the form of twins John and Michael who had a number of double figure pike on the Shannon near Athlone. The pair had pike of 20lb, 18lb, 2 at 16lb and a number of more fish over 10lb. On the River Barrow conditions were tough last Friday with just jacks to show for the efforts of a father and son team.
- Youthful enthusiasm heats up piking on a very cold Barrow
- The twins and John take the Shannon by storm with 20lb pike
- Booking the Lough Ree Pike Angling Festival 2013 before April 10th
Coarse angling reports
Coarse angling reports are still thin on the ground but good weights were recorded last week at the Lough Muckno Easter Festival 2. The winner at White Island on Friday was Darren Fairhurst from the UK and Dublin with a 8.860kg net of mixed fish. The best weight from Section B on Black Island was taken by Rory O’Neill from Newry with 11.020kg.
The forecast is for unsettled and changeable weather over the weekend and next week, with temperatures recovering close to normal. Sunday should see the winds move into the southwest quarter, the change nearly everyone has been waiting for. Daytime temperatures will be as high as 14C next week there will still be frost at night
Tight lines,
Myles Kelly
Catch, Photo, Release
If you have an angling story to share with the Irish Angling Update please send it to [email protected].
News clippings
- Fish kill reports discounted, Donegal Democrat
- Reel progress as anglers tackle spread of invasive species – New guide for visitors now available, The Connaught Telegraph
- The Last Cast with Jarlaith Gallagher, Leitrim Observer
- Bantry group calls on TDs to review salmon farm licensing procedures, The Southern Star
- Invasive species cost Ireland €261 million per year, TheJournal.ie
- New tourism video with Derek Davis to promote Graignamanagh – Kilkenny People
Other news
- Major International Freshwater Invasives – Networking for Strategy Conference
- Minister O Dowd launches Ireland’s first purpose-built angling disinfection facility.