Inland Fisheries Ireland has had it as one of its goals to grow more anglers for a number of years.  More recently in  developing a Novice Angling Strategy we had survey to get the views of anglers and non anglers.

Dunamon universal acccess anglers
Dunamon universal acccess anglers

During 2019 we partnered up with some old and some new groups to run various events under the umbrella of “Go Fishing”.  These were all different and all tailored to the participants. Taster days “Try Fishing” are designed to get someone who has never fished before to come along and see what is involved and see if they like it.  “Go Fishing” it taking this a step further to do a programme which is usually 4 sessions where we go a bit more into detail and participants become more confident in fishing and want to improve or take it up as a pastime.

Oaklands youths fishing
Oaklands youths fishing

Sarah Healy of IFI will be giving further information about the initiative this Saturday and Sunday at Ireland Angling 2020 in the National Show Centre, Swords, Co. Dublin. So please come along if you have any questions which she will be happy to answer.