The first salmon of 2020 was caught on Saturday the 25th of January, on Butler’s Pool, Waterville in Co. Kerry. Local angler, Kevin O’Shea landed the first salmon, which weighed 12lbs and was caught using a 9ft rod with a fly.
Inland fisheries Ireland would like to remind anglers that there is a prize of €250 for the angler who catches and releases the first salmon of 2020 in Ireland.
The salmon will need to be verified by staff from Inland Fisheries Ireland and all salmon must be handled appropriately in order to receive the prize. Only salmon which are released in a sustainable manner will be eligible.
As salmon populations continue to face challenges across the northern hemisphere, Inland Fisheries Ireland is encouraging all anglers to make their own personal contribution to the conservation of this valued species by practising catch and release fishing at all times.
Lough Currane updates
Vincent Appleby reports from Lough Currane where the season opened on 17 January…
25/1/20 take all the headlines as local Angler Mr. Kevin Shea caught the first Salmon of 2020 and it was a cracker of 12 lbs and lightening fresh, caught on the fly on a 9 foot fly rod. Kevin was telling me he had one hell of a battle late this afternoon. So, one can say that the Champagne Salmon bottle has been truly cracked opened on the World-Famous Butler Pool and at Now we head down stream to Lough Current, Wind SW and overcast and all quiet in all departments. Yesterdays’ weather amount of rainfall 1.6 mm. Maximum air temperature 8. 4 c.
26/1/20 The Currane anglers and golfers start with the sad news that Mr. Noel Cronin RIP retired Manger of Waterville Golf links and Waterville House, sadly passed away yesterday, on behalf of the anglers and Golfers and the good people of Kerry our Sincere Sympathies to all Noel’s family and friends. On a personal note it was appropriate that the first Salmon of the 2020 season was caught on the World-famous Butler Pool yesterday. Now today’s facts, All quiet on all fronts. Wind SW and overcast with heavy showers with strong gusts. Yesterday’s weather, amount of rainfall 7.7 mm. Maximum air temperature 10.2 c.
27/1/20 Again Lough Current was all quiet on all fronts and for good reason, there was a strong SW wind blowing. Yesterday’s weather, amount of rainfall 9.0 mm. Maximum air temperature 9. 0c. Just for the record one or two boats did venture out.
28/1/20 Lough Currane was all quiet on the Wild Atlantic Salmon front, but the same couldn’t be said for the strong and gusty NW wind with heavy wintery showers. Yesterday’s weather, amount of rainfall 4.0 mm. Maximum air temperature 7.7 c.
29/1/20 We Currane Anglers were all quiet on all fronts. Wind SW then veered SSW and overcast with showers. Yesterday’s weather, amount of rainfall 6.8 mm. Maximum air temperature 7. 5 c.

30/1/20 Before we head out onto Lough Currane we head to the Waterville Inn and for good reason, your Man the King of the fly on the Pool, Mr. Kevin O’Shea was presented the Paddy Carey Memorial Cup by the Landlord of the Waterville Inn Mr. Damian Duff for catching the first Salmon of 2020 on the World Famous Butler’s Pool and at and all the drinks were on Kevin and a good time was had by all, so on that note we go to today’s facts of the day and I can tell you the Currane anglers were all quiet on all fronts. Wind WSW and overcast all day with light misty rain at times. Yesterday’s weather, amount of rainfall 1.0 mm. Maximum air temperature 10.1 c.
Vincent Appleby
Go fishing…
Vincent Appleby
Eureka Lodge, Caherdaniel West, Co. Kerry.
Telephone: +353 (0)66 9475248
E-mail: [email protected]
Find out more about Lough Currane…
The rivers and lakes of Waterville drain a large catchment and are regarded by many as the foremost Salmon and Sea-Trout fishery in the country. The lake system is well developed with access to boats and guides being readily available to the tourist angler. The Sea-Trout caught here are renowned for their size and quantity. For more details see