Dan O’Neill reports on the salmon fishing at Longueville House on the River Blackwater…

With plenty of reports of salmon along the Blackwater Longueville Fishery was bound to produce fish. The water was rising and beginning to colour slightly but that didn’t put Mark off. The half inch cascade tube fly fished on an intermediate line lured two salmon into taking; a fish of 6 pound and one of 9 pound. The 6 pound hen was released.

Both fish were met near the Castle Beat. That’s just one of the  wonderful beats along Longueville that I am very much looking forward to fishing in the coming weeks.


Go Fishing…

For details on availability and conditions of fishing for salmon and trout on the Longueville House waters please contact them at
Contact : Longueville House Hotel, William O’Callaghan
Address : Mallow, Co. Cork.
Telephone : 00 353 22 47156
Email: [email protected]