The slow but steady return to angling has been welcomed by all especially those living within 5km of their local waters. Some anglers returned to the brown trout fishing on the  River Boyne since the easing of restrictions and the fishing has not disappointed. Water levels have been good due to the relatively good and settled weather and there has been good fly activity on many stretches of the river around Navan.

A small free-rising wild Brown trout from the Boyne at Navan
A small free-rising Wild Brown Trout from the Boyne at Navan

Trout have been actively free-rising and fishing has been good during the day and into the late evening. John Baker and a few other local anglers have had a number of outings to the river recently and produced some nice wild brown trout on dry flies. According to reports there were lots of trout in the .75lb bracket with occasion fish to 1lb and the best trout weighing in at circa 1.5lbs. A fine river trout.

Trout were taking well into the late evening
Trout were taking well into the late evening

All fish were returned carefully to the river after a quick photo. We look forward to receiving further reports in they  coming weeks and we will keep you posted as the news comes in.

Another small trout falls to the fly
Another small trout falls to the fly

For future reference
For information on fishing the River Boyne at Navan please visit
For further information on the River Boyne and its tributaries please visit