Declan Cooke reports
Lough Conn has not seen much trout angling traffic over the last few weeks due to the COVID-19 lockdown. However, those local anglers who have ventured out are reporting the best trout angling on this lake for many years. Some suggest that the lack of disturbance by anglers, boats and engines has allowed trout to feed more freely and resulted in more and larger fish being caught by a small number of anglers. Others say that trout stocks and angling have been improving on Conn over the last few years and that this year is a continuation of that trend. Whatever the reason, the lucky Conn anglers have enjoyed an exceptionally fruitful mayfly season.

Small emergers and dry flies were the favoured method by most and many fish in the 2 – 3 lbs size range were encountered. Initially, the action was mainly at the north end of the lake but by mid May hatches were occurring all over the lake with Castlehill Bay and Ned’s Bay offering the best of the action. There was even some excellent spent gnat fishing on offer during the long balmy evenings, which is not something usually encountered on L. Conn.

Most of the fish recorded for this report were released as part of a trend that is gathering immense popularity amongst local Conn anglers.