Cork Harbour bass guide Richie Ryan was out doing a bit of saltwater fly fishing on Sunday. Fishing from the shores of his hometown Cobh, he was targeting mullet. He’d had a fish or two the previous week but was over the moon with the single fish his weekend session produced.

Richie was fishing a just one bread fly with and indicator near it to help judging a take.  Clear, calm conditions are needed and when everything is going to plan it is very exciting stuff, every bit as intense as sight fishing to bonefish on the flats or casting dry flies to rising trout.

Anyway, a mullet took the fly, Richie tightened into it and away the fish went like the clappers. After a quick fight he had it at his feet. The fish was quickly photographed and safely released. It was his biggested to date, estimated to weigh 6lbs.

Make a booking

Your guide, Commander Richie Ryan (Retd) of the Irish Navy, has built up a huge knowledge of bass fishing, in particular, over the last 30 years. His boat “Sea Hawk” is the first boat in Ireland to be licensed for saltwater fly fishing. Also available on fly are sea trout, pollack, mullet, mackerel, garfish etc
All other methods of fishing are also available

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Tel: +353 (0)86 1940744