Home Kerry River Inny Some salmon moving on Cork/Kerry fisheries

Some salmon moving on Cork/Kerry fisheries


Lee: 9 salmon caught on the Lee for the last week on club waters on fly spinning and worm.  Best fish 15lbs.  Most fish released due to brown tag regulations.

Ilen: Ilen river 12 salmon. Best 10lb club angler on spinner.

Munster Blackwater: Some nice fish early last week but the downturn in the weather mid-week and further unsettled to come has put the river out for a lot of angling beats but should come good when it begins to drop off.

Kenmare/Waterville: First 3 salmon caught on Roughty during the week. Water levels still good. Couple of salmon on Currane during the week also. Stocked lakes fishing well.

3 Salmon also caught and released over the weekend on River Inny

Laune/Killarney: The Laune Beats were very busy with anglers, especially over the weekend. No reports of catches. There was a lot of Coarse fishing from the lake shores. Trolling on the lakes picked up over the weekend, but again no reports on catches.