While many rivers down south were getting showers, Donegal received a deluge of rain last week, with big floods on the spate rivers. The Finn always benefits from fresh water, and with spring fish starting to appear, fishing has benefited too.

After Chris Adams landed the first fish off Glenmore waters last week, two more fish between 9 and 13lbs were caught and released the same day.

Chris Adams with the opening fish.

Warren Campbell is a prolific salmon angler and he was off the bus too, with a lovely silver spring fish. It is great to see good fish handling, keeping fish in the water except for a brief photo, and released quickly in great condition.

Warren’s beautiful springer

More fish have been reported since, including this lovely fish for another angler, once again displaying great care for the fish.

Keep them wet. Great fish handling makes for successful catch and release.

Paddy was another angler off the bus for the year, with yet another beauty. Check out the video below of a perfect release.

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Finally, another Chris had met and lost 3 fish over the previous week, but managed to land the 4th on Tuesday.

4th time lucky for Chris

Go Fishing

Glenmore Rivers Sporting Estate has extensive fishing on the Finn and Realan Rivers, shared with Cloghan Lodge. Luxury accommodation is available, as well as guides. The season runs from March 1st to September 15th. For more details on fishing and accommodation, check out the website atbvGlenmore Rivers Sporting Estate