Two fisheries produced salmon this week. Ballina Salmon Anglers had 8 salmon ranging from 7 lbs to 13.5 lbs. All caught on the worm upstream of the weirs.
East Mayo Anglers had also 8 salmon ranging from 6 lbs to 12 lbs. Salmon were caught on Spinners, worm and the Fly, with one released.
Michael Noone, lahardane, had a Salmon spinning a silver spoon at Pontoon Bridge, for just over 8 lbs. there were reports of about 4 more Salmon caught there.
Overall water levels are particularly good, starting off the week at 0.419 m at Ballylahan Bridge rising midweek to 1.039m and falling back to 0.652m by Sunday evening. Water temperatures averaged 9˚celsius throughout the system.